
an online garden for thoughts and projects
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Automated Deployment

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Greener pastures -- 2 minute(s) read
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I’ve recently set up an CI/CD pipeline for a side project (and also this blog!). It’s the first time I’ve setup one myself and I recognise it’s still a long way from being robust. For the last 4 years I’ve been working for a company that preaches the ‘digital transformation’ and how much it pays to have automation take the reins. There’s been continuous discussion about ‘unbreakable pipelines’ and how our monitoring system fits within that paradigm.

So, after all this time (and waiting patiently for my vps provider to support docker) I’ve finally started implementing pipelines. It’s basic: Each new commit will have tests run (and must pass) before ansible runs a deployment playbook to re-instance the running copy.

It’s worth noting that this blog’s CD system is much more straight forward - Gitea -> DroneCI -> Hugo (compile) -> Push to server

I’ve still not made up my mind on how I want to treat this Blog. It’s possible I’ll revisit each of these components to expand upon how I’ve gone about it.

Until next time.